
The Perfect Miss 4ever

by Telemundo

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Donald Trump’s Beauty Queens singing group featuring Wendy Fitzwilliam!

Word on the street is that billionaire and beauty queen lover, THE Donald Trump, has given his stamp of approval on a girl group birthed out of  his many pageants!
The real estate tycoon, pageant mogul and reality television maverick has given his blessings to a Miss Universe, a Teen Queen, a Miss USA and a China Doll for the formation of the newest girl band, with literally the most beautiful women in the world – the  BQ Girls.
Short for the Beauty-Queen Girls, BQ Girls officially consists of Wendy Fitzwilliam (Miss Universe 1998), Chelsea Cooley (Miss USA 2005), Haley Seibert (1st RU Miss Teen USA 2012) and Yi Na (3rd RU Miss China Universe 2011).
What a beautiful blend of skin tones in a group, right?
Just to jog your memory, peep Wendy singing at the 1998 Miss Universe competition below (4:20 mark):

BQ Girls are expected to drop their 1st single “Runway” on iTunes next week. 

29 sept 2012

Miss Brazil Universe 2012 - Results

Miss Universe Brazil 2012 is  Miss Rio Grande do Sul - Gabriela Markus

2º  Miss Rio Grande do Norte - Kelly Fonsêca

3°  Miss Minas Gerais - Thiessa Sickert

Top 5 Miss Brasil 2012 

Miss Rio Grande do Norte - Kelly Fonsêca
Miss Minas Gerais  - Thiessa Sickert
Miss Rio Grande do Sul - Gabriela Markus
Miss Distrito Federal - Tamiris Rodrigues
Miss São Paulo - Francine Pantaleão

Top 7 Miss Brasil 2012:

Miss Santa Catarina - Manoella Deschamps
Miss Ceará  - Milena Ferrer

TOP 10 Miss Brasil 2012 

Miss Rio de Janeiro - Rayanne Morais
Miss Espírito Santo - Fernanda Pereira
Miss Amazonas - Vivian Amorim

Best National Costume Award ; Premio al Mejor Traje Típico  
Miss Amazonas - Vivian Amorim

Tamar Shedania - Miss Georgia Universe 2012

She is actually for us one of the best Miss Georgia winners that we had ever see, and we really hope that in Miss Universe they would share our opinion.

In this post we want to share with you her message:

Tamar Shedania's message to all:

Original:  Ugrmesi madloba yvelas chemi tanadgomistvis "Miss sakartvelos 2012" clis konkursze ... yvelapers gavaketeb imisatvis rom chemi samodelo gamocdileba gamoviyeno da gavamartlo qartveli xalxis molodini "MISS UNIVERSE 2012" konkursze da vasaxelo sakartvelo kidev ertxel ))
miyvarxart yvelanii ♥ ♥ ♥

English Translation:  Thank you all for supporting me at  MISS GEORGIA 2012 Contest... i will do everything to show my MODEL experience and make this my main goal and justify Georgian people's hope about me!!! I will try to do my best at " MISS UNIVERSE 2012 " AND TO MAKE MY COUNRTY PROUD OF ME " ♥ ♥ ♥

Tamar Shedania (20 yrs, 176 cm, 5'9'') was crowned Miss Georgia 2012 
at the Rabati Castle in the city of Axalcixe

Video of the coronation, backstage and post pageant interviews : 


All Miss Russia 2013 contestants will be wearing Sherri Hill gowns

A couple of days ago it was confirmed by the Miss Russia Organization that the official designer of Miss Universe and Miss USA, Sherri Hill will be officially working together with them, so it means that in the Miss Russia 2013 pageant the contestants will be wearing Sherri Hill gowns.

Sherri Hill's exclusive collections epitomize the fashionable lifestyle of today's contemporary women. Each look is designed to enhance and fit the female form with fashion-forward styling and wearability. She has dressed many for their red carpet moments and performances including: Selena Gomez, Bella Thorne, Renee Olmstead, Diana Argon, Miranda Lambert, Laura Bell Bundy, Martina McBride, and Carrie Underwood. Every Sherri Hill design is made to the highest standards.
Hill's design talent and meticulous attention to detail led to success in the competitive evening wear industry. In 2008 Hill and her family launched her own design house under the Sherri Hill label. It has rapidly expanded to be a global brand with strong following in over 30 countries around the world. In addition to Hill's new corporate headquarters in Austin, Texas, the company maintains a design studio and showroom on new York's Fifth Avenue and in Atlanta.
Sherri Hill's collections are available at finer specialty stores listed on the website:
Sherri Hill designs
27 sept 2012

Rehearsals of Miss Brazil 2012 pageant - Ensayos de Miss Brasil 2012 - (VIDEOS)

General Rehearsal - Ensayo General  - Главная Репетиция

On the Floor - ensaio Miss Brasil por gabiquintela no

Coronation Rehearsal - Ensayo de la Coronación - Репетиция Коронации

Sergipe coroada por gabiquintela no
26 sept 2012

Miss Universo 2012 en Las Vegas, Nevada (CONFIRMADO)

En este momento se acaba de confirmar que Miss Universo 2012 será realizado en Las Vegas, Nevada, el 19 de diciembre en el Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.

Miss Universe Organization has informed that MISS UNIVERSE 2012 Pageant will be broadcast live from Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, on December 19th.

Организация Мисс Вселенная сегодня заявиля что конкурс Мисс Вселенная 2012 состоится в Лас Вегасе в отеле Planet Hollywood. Финал конкурса проводится в 19 декабря.



Miss Georgia 2012 - Final results


Winner (Miss Universe Georgia 2012 ) Tamar Shedania

1sr Runner Up (Miss World Georgia 2013 ) - Lika Metreveli 
2nd Runner Up Nino Makharadze
3rd Runner Up Mariam Buturishvili 
4th runner up Diana Kimadze

TOP 10
Veronika chikhladze
Tamar shedania
Diana Kimadze
Mariam kvakhajlidze
Tako shubitidze
Nino makharadze
Mariam buturishvili
Ani cercvadze
Lika metreveli
Khatia tatrishvili


25 sept 2012

Miss Universo Argentina 2012 - Camila Solorzano


Miss Universo Argentina 2012 - Camila Solorzano
Age (Edad) - 23 years old
Height (Estatura) - 179 cm (5'10)
Títulos anteriores: Miss Earth Argentina 2008

Camila, tiene 23 años, mide 1,79 , es bailarina y coreógrafa, estudiante y fue notera en un reconocido programa local. En su trayectoria como reina de belleza, Camila represento al pais en Filipinas en el certamen Miss Earth 2008 y en el certamen Miss Caribean Hibbiscus 2010.

English: Camila will be representing Argentina in the Miss Universe 2012 pageant. She previously represented Argentina in Miss Earth 2008, and in Miss Caribbean Hibbiscus 2010.

Miss Universo Argentina - Resultados:

1) Camila Solórzano - Miss Universo Tucuman
2) Camila Valdez - Miss Universo Salta
3) Antonella Ponso - Miss Universo San Luis


Romina Palmisano "Miss Carabobo 2010" primera reina de belleza venezolana en ser un ángel de Victoria's Secret

La venezolana Romina Palmisano desfilará para Victoria's Secret este martes en Orlando, Florida.
Ella participó en Miss Venezuela 2010, llegando a ser top 10.

Romina Palmisano "Miss Carabobo 2010" is the first Venezuelan beauty queen to become a Victoria's Secret model.

She reached the top 10 in the Miss Venezuela 2010, and today in Orlando, Florida she will be on the runway for this prestigious brand.

Ромина Пальмисано, участница конкурса Мисс Венесуэла 2010 станет новым ангелом Виктория Сикрет.

в 2010 году она победила в региональном конкурсе Мисс Карабобо и получила право поучаствовать в конкурсе Мисс Венесуэла и попала в 10ку и сегодня в Орландо, Флорида она станет ангелом этого престижного бренда

Romina Palmisano, Victorias Secret meleğı olan ilk Venezuelalı güzellik kralıçesidir.

Miss Venezuela 2010da derece aldı, ilk 10a girdi, ama bugün Victoria Secret meleğı olarak sahneye çıkacak, başarılar diliyoruz.



24 sept 2012

Miss Santa Catarina - Manoella Deschamps (Miss Brazil Universe)

Manoella Deschamps - Miss Santa Catarina

Age (Edad) - 24 years old
Height (Estatura)- 174 cm (5'9'')
Weight (Peso) - 58 kg (128 lb)
Occupation: Journalist - Periodista

She was crowned on April 28th in Itajaí as the Miss Santa Catarina that would be competing for the
Miss Brazil Universe crown.

Ella fue coronada el 28 de abril como Miss Santa Catarina para competir por la corona del prestigioso concurso Miss Brasil.

Manoella confesses that she has about 40 pets, (31 cats, 8 puppies and 2 turtles) that were rescued from the streets by her: One of her puppies' name is Brad Pitt,
and the turtles' names are Pool and Lala.

Manoella confiesa que tiene en su casa alrededor de 40 mascotas (31 gatos, 8 cachorros y 2 tortugas) las cuales ella rescató de las calles: El nombre de una de sus cachorros es Brad Pitt y el nombre de sus tortugas es Pool and Lala.

She represented Florianópilis city during Miss Santa Catarina pageant
Ella representó la ciudad de Florianópolis durante el certamen de Miss Santa Catarina

Vote for her - Vota por ella