
The Perfect Miss 4ever

by Telemundo

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20 may 2011

Miss Islandia Mundo 2011

Sigrún Eva Ármannsdóttir (18, 1.80 m, from Akranes) was crowned Ungfrú Ísland 2011 (Miss Iceland 2011) at the Broadway Club in Reykjavik. She will represent Iceland in Miss World 2011 in London, England, on November 8.

Guðlaug Dagmar Jónsdóttir was the first runner-up, and Sigríður Dagbjört Ásgeirsdóttir was the second runner-up. Gurrí Jónsdóttir and Hjördís Hjörleifsdóttir completed the Top 5.  One of them is expected to represent Iceland at the Miss Supranational 2011 pageant in Poland.

Iceland will try to conquer its 4th Miss World title.

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