
The Perfect Miss 4ever

by Telemundo

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12 nov 2013

Miss Universe 2013 contestants in a Russian tv program

Este 11 de noviembre, en uno de los talk-shows con mayor rating de la televisión rusa. "Pust Govoryat" - "Dejen que la gente hable" , algunas de las concursantes y la ganadora del Miss Universo 2013, María Gabriela Isler, comparten un poco de su vida, secretos de belleza, y a su vez, son evaluadas por expertos del showbusiness y moda de Rusia. Este programa es presentado por el periodista Andrei Malahov.

Miss Universe 2013 contestants and its winner, María Gabriela Isler, were invited to the program "Pust Govoryat" - "Let people talk", which is one of the most important talk-shows of the Russian Tv, broadcasted by Channel 1, and hosted by the journalist Andrei Malahov.


2 comentarios:

  1. funny how Trump talks about inner beauty when the director of his new titleholder thinks inner beauty is a farce.
