
The Perfect Miss 4ever

by Telemundo

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Arnela Zekovic renuncia al título de Miss Universo Serbia 2013.

Arnela Zekovic

Message from Miss Srbije Organization

"ARNELA ZEKOVIC, first runner-up for the Miss Serbia 2013 beauty pageant has decided to cease and desist further cooperation with the MISS YU COMPANY and participation in the Miss Universe pageant, due to private reasons. The MISS YU COMPANY upheld her claim.
All obligations such as the willingness and responsibilities for future cooperation at contests such as the Miss Universe 2014 will be presided by ANDJELKA TOMASEVIC. Andjelka, among others, recently participated in the competition for Miss Earth, entering the Top 8 out of 95 countries and completing 5th overall.

We are sure that Andjelka will restore public confidence and belief, whereas the prestigious Miss Universe beauty pageant will land her another title and make Serbia and her hometown Zubin Potok proud of her accomplishment."

Andjelka Tomasevic

14 dic 2013

Zuleica Wilson - Miss Angola Universe 2014

Zuleica Wilson - Miss Angola Universe,  Foto: Pedro Parente

Zuleica Wilson, originaria de Cabinda con 20 años y 172 cm de estatura, fue coronada como Miss Angola Universo 2014, este 14 de diciembre en el Centro de Conferencias de Beias en la capital, Luanda. Zuleica que representará a a su país en el próximo Miss Universo 2014, pretende trabajar más en el mundo de la moda y comunicaciones, aparte desea acabar su carrera de administración de empresas.

Zuleica Wilson was crowned as Miss Angola Universe 2014, in the national pageant that was held in the Conventions Center of Beias in the capital city, Luanda on December 14th. This business management student from Cabinda is 20 years old, and her height is 172 cm. Zuleica's platform is to fight against AIDS and drugs

1° finalista - Winny Alves  

2° finalista - Yona Amado

3° finalista - Brigida Lopes

4° finalista - Isadora Munjila

Ekaterina Plekhova - Miss Intercontinental 2013

Ekaterina Plehova from Russia has been crowned as Miss Intercontinental 2013, on December 14 at the Maritim Hotel Magdeburg. She is 23 years old and her height is 173 cm. Ekaterina is the winner of Miss Saint Petersburg 2011 pageant.

Final resultContestant
Miss Intercontinental 2013
  •  Russia – Ekaterina Plekhova
1st runner-up
2nd runner-up
3rd runner-up
4th runner-up
Top 15

Continental Queen

Miss Intercontinental Africa
Miss Intercontinental Asia & Oceania
Miss Intercontinental Europe
  •  Russia – Ekaterina Plekhova
Miss Intercontinental North America
Miss Intercontinental South America

Special awards

Miss Smile
Miss Congeniality
Miss Photogenic
Best National Costume
Best Evening Gown
Best Body
Miss Press