
The Perfect Miss 4ever

by Telemundo

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9 dic 2013

Miss International 2013 - Press Conference

Miss International 2013 Beauty Pageant's press conference was held today, in which all the contestants were introduced to the press media in their national costumes and swimsuits. During this event, the journalists were in charge of choosing the  "Miss Photogenic". At the end of the event, the name of the winner was revealed, and this title went to Elma Segzdaviciute, from Lithuania, which received her sash from Alejandra Andreu "Miss International 2008", that was wearing an outstanding gown designed by Cristina Piña, from her "Dickens" collection. Check it out here: Lookbook Dickens Autumn / Winter 2013 / 2014

Watch the video of the press conference rehearsal and backstage

Alejandra Andreu - Miss International 2008
Gown by Cristina Piña

Keep on following The Perfect Miss, soon more updates of 
Miss International 2013 beauty pageant.

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