
16 may 2014

Dalia Bapeer Mohammad - Miss United Continents Kurdistan 2014

Dalia Bapeer Mohammad (19 years old, 173 cm, 5'8'') from Sulaymaniyah will be the first Kurdish lady to represent the Kurdistan Autonomous Region in an international pageant. "Miss United Continents 2014" finals will be held in Guayaquil, Ecuador on September 13th.

Message from Miss United Continents - Kurdistan 2014

"My name is Dalia Mohammed. I am from Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan. I am a 19 year old full-time student in San Diego, CA. I am a women's rights advocate with License to Freedom, an organization which was founded by my mother and whose tradition I hope to carry on. Our organization is dedicated to empowering refugee and immigrant women to have a voice of their own. I am passionate about helping refugees in the San Diego community, and also worked with local homeless shelters in San Diego. While I enjoy helping all citizens, my priority is working with the underprivileged who often have no voice. 

I am proud of my culture and heritage and I hope to create international awareness of Kurdish culture. Growing up in Kurdistan, I have a deep understanding of the community and am a proud role model for Kurdish women. I am blessed with this opportunity to participate in this pageant as it will help further my endeavors to be a positive influence on the lives of others."

The Republic of Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is the official ruling body of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region, that has a President (Massoud Barzani), a 111 member parliament, a cabinet of ministers, and diplomatic representations in more than 15 countries.

Important points about the Kurdistan Autonomous Region:

• With a population of 5.2 million and increasing, the three governorates of Erbil, Sulaymaniya, and Duhok cover approximately 40,000 square kilometres - larger than the Netherlands and four times the area of Lebanon.

• The Region is geographically diverse, from hot and dry plains to cooler mountainous areas with natural springs and snowfall in the winter.

Foreign visitors are warmly welcomed. Among the growing number of visitors are international media and business people as well as those returning from the Kurdish Diaspora.

Not a single coalition soldier died in Kurdistan during the Iraq war, nor has a single foreigner been kidnapped in the areas administered by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). With the cooperation of citizens, the Kurdistan Region’s security forces have kept the area safe and stable. Security responsibility was formally transferred from the Multinational Forces to the KRG in May 2007.

The capital and the seat of the Kurdistan Regional Government is Erbil, a city known in Kurdish as Hawler. The Citadel in Erbil is considered the world’s oldest continuously inhabited settlement. The next largest cities are Slemani and Dohuk. Please note that Slemani is the KRG’s official English spelling, but it can also be found with other spellings such as Sulaimani, Suleimani, Sulaimaniyah, and Suleimaniah.

• The Kurdistan Regional Government exercises executive power according to the Kurdistan Region’s laws as enacted by the democratically elected Kurdistan Parliament. The current government, led by Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, assumed office in the spring of 2014.

Iraq’s Constitution recognises the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Kurdistan Parliament as the region’s formal institutions and the Peshmerga forces as the Region’s legitimate security guard.

• The current coalition government consists of several political parties that reflect the diversity of the Region’s population, which includes Chaldeans, Assyrians, Syriacs, Turkmen, Yazidis, Arabs and Kurds living together in harmony.

• More than 65% of destroyed villages have been rebuilt since being razed during the Anfal campaign perpetrated by Saddam Hussein’s regime in the 1980s.

• The Kurdish language is of Indo-European origin and is among the family of Iranian languages, such as Persian and Pashto, and is distinct from Arabic. The two main dialects are Sorani and Kurmanji.

• The Kurdistan Region has 11 public universities and several licensed private universities. Some of them use English as the main language of teaching and examination, most notably the University of Kurdistan Hawler (UKH) and the American University of Iraq – Sulaimani (AUI-S).

• A new, liberal foreign investment law was ratified in June 2006, providing incentives for foreign investors such as the possibility of owning land, up to ten-year tax holidays, and easy repatriation of profits.

• To rapidly benefit from its oil and gas resources, the KRG has signed dozens of production sharing contracts with companies from 17 countries.

• The Kurdistan Region has international airports in Erbil and Slemani, with direct flights to and from Europe and the Middle East. A new international airport is under construction in Duhok.

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