The Perfect Miss 4ever
by Telemundo
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- ► septiembre (24)
- ► septiembre (70)
- ► septiembre (105)
- Miss Costa Rica recibe laptop cortesía de ICE Kolbi
- VIDEO; Entrevista a Miss Rusia 2011, Natalia Ganti...
- Miss Ecuador 2011,Claudia Schiess
- Miss Rusia 2011, Natalia Gantimurova participó en ...
- Miss Rusia 2011, Natalia Gantimurova participó en ...
- Miss Polonia 2010,Rozalia Mancewicz en "Kocham Cię...
- Miss Bélgica 2011,Justine De Jonckheere en Egipto
- CANDIDATES / CANDIDATAS; Miss Filipinas en Traje d...
- Miss Costa Rica 2011, Johanna Solano
- Miss Malasia Universo 2011
- Miss Irlanda 2010, Rozanna Purcell para David Briscoe
- Miss Puerto Rico 2010-2011, Viviana Ortiz
- Miss Universo 2010, Ximena Navarrete en Tailandia
- Miss Mexico 2010, Karin Ontiveros para Click Magazine
- Miss Rusia 2010, Irina Antonenko en "Bailando con ...
- Miss Francia 2011
- Miss Rusia 2010, Irina Antonenko en sus presentaci...
- Incluyen la historia de Irina Antonenko en el Top...
- Miss Rusia 2011, Natalia Gantimurova desfilado par...
- Entrevista Exclusiva con Morgan Woolard, 1st Runne...
- Miss Mexico 2010-2011, Karin Ontiveros
- Johanna Solano: ‘Lo que tengo que hacer es ser yo ...
- Johanna Solano es Miss Costa Rica 2011
- Miss Intercontinental 2009, Hannelly Quintero para...
- Elección de Miss Austria 2011
- Miss Tailandia Universo 2011, Fah Chanyasorn
- Miss Austria 2011
- Miss Bélgica 2011
- Miss Tailandia Universo 2011, Fah Chanyasorn
- Miss Universo 2005 y Miss Universo 2010
- CANDIDATES / CANDIDATAS; Miss Nueva Zelanda 2011 (...
- Jennifer Pazmiño anuncia embarazo
- Miss Malaysia Universo 2011 - Debora Henry
- Miss República Checa 2011, Jitka Nováčková
- Miss Angola 2011 en Rio de Janeiro
- Miss Polonia 2010 Rozalia Mancewicz firma autógraf...
- Miss República Checa 2011, Jitka Nováčková
- Miss Eslovaquia Mundo 2011; Fotos oficiales en tra...
- Miss Bélgica 2011 y 2da Finalista en desfile de le...
- Miss Bélgica 2011; almuerzo en Ostend Queen
- Miss Malasia Universo 2011
- Miss Ecuador 2011,Claudia Shiess
- Miss Sudafrica 2010, Bokang Montjane close up
- 45 minutos con la mujer más bonita del universo
- Miss Universo 2010, Pide respeto y apoyo a afectad...
- Mas de la elección de Miss República Checa 2011
- VIDEO; Miss Kosovo Universo 2011, Aferdita Dreshaj...
- Miss USA 2010, Rima Fakih
- Miss Nicaragua 2011; Adriana Dorn
- Miss Suiza Universo 2010-2011, Kerstin Cook
- VIDEO; Coronación de Miss República Checa 2011
- Miss República Checa 2011; Coronación
- Claudia Schiess "‘Mi sueño era el Miss Ecuador"
- RESULTS / RESULTADOS; Miss República Checa 2011
- Capturas; Miss República Checa 2011
- Miss Bélgica 2011 en Egipto
- Miss Ecuador 2011
- Claudia Shiess fue electa Miss Ecuador 2011
- VIDEO; Miss Venezuela Universo, Internacional y Ea...
- Miss Universo 2002, Oxana Fedorova vuelve a la sol...
- Top Model Of The World 2011
- RESULTS / RESULTADOS; Top Model Of The World 2011
- Miss República Checa 2011; En traje de baño
- Adriana Vasini, “Miss Venezuela Mundo”, ya está en...
- Top Model Of The World 2011
- Miss República Checa 2011; SWIMWEAR for Czech Miss...
- Miss República Checa 2011; Conferencia de Prensa
- Miss World launches Beauty with a Purpose in Korea
- Hannelly Quintero viajó a Alemania
- Miss Universo se reúne con ministro panameño
- Miss Universo, Ximena Navarrete, apoya lucha por l...
- Vista conmovedora de Miss Universo 2010, Ximena Na...
- Miss República Checa 2011; EXTRAVAGANT MODELS for ...
- Miss República Checa 2011; EVENING GOWNS for CM 2011
- Miss Polonia 2010 Rozalia Mancewicz para la marca ...
- Miss Polonia 2010 Rozalia Mancewicz para la marca ...
- VIDEO; Entrevista a Miss Kosovo Universo 2011, Afe...
- Miss Weston Caroline Schwitzky renuncia por escándalo
- VIDEO; Ximena Navarrete en Panamá
- Miss Venezuela 2010, Vanessa Goncalves colaborando...
- VIDEO; Msj de Miss Universo 2007, Riyo Mori sobre ...
- Miss Universo trabajará contra VIH en Panamá
- VIDEO: Boda de Miss Venezuela Universo 2009, Marel...
- Nueva foto de Oxana Fedorova en Portada de Revista
- VIDEO; Candidatas de Top Model Of The World 2011 e...
- VIDEO; Tras cámara de sesión fotográfica de Miss K...
- VIDEO; Miss Rusia 2010, Irina Antonenko bailando "...
- VIDEO; Entrevista a Miss Nicaragua 2011, Adriana Dorn
- Miss República Checa 2011
- Miss Mundo 2011 no podrá realizarse en Trinidad y ...
- Miss Venezuela 2009, Marelisa Gibson se casó por l...
- VIDEO; Miss Universo 2010 y Miss Puerto Rico Unive...
- VIDEO; Miss Puerto Rico 2010-2011 bailando Samba
- VIDEO; Candidatas de Top Model Of The World 2011
- Miss Ecuador 2011; Santo Domingo las acoge
- VIDEO; Presentación de la corona de Miss Ecuador 2011
- VIDEO; Miss Serbia Universo 2010, Anja Saranovic e...
- 2da Finalista de Miss Rusia 2011 en rueda de prensa
- Miss Irlanda 2010, Rozanna Purcel para Hello! Skin...
26 mar 2011
CANDIDATES / CANDIDATAS; Miss Nueva Zelanda 2011 (Lista Provicional)
Cassie Matthews Cassie is 20, 5 ft 8 in. She is in her final year studying a Bachelor of Communications, majoring in public relations. Cassie works part-time in the fashion industry. Her interests include modelling, painting, designing, and speaking French. Cassie’s ambition is to one day own a PR company and to become a fashion editor. |
Georgia Easter Georgia is 20, 5 ft 9 in. She studied at the New Zealand Institute of Sport and is a fully qualified personal trainer. Georgia also models part-time. Her interests include health, nutrition, fitness, painting, and make-up artistry. |
Danelle Kaukau Danelle is 20, 5 ft 7 in. She is currently employed as an underwriter for New Zealand Insurance. Upon completing her insurance and finance diplomas, she wishes to further her studies towards a degree in business and finance. Danelle aspires to be an ambassador for younger insurance professionals. Her interests include fashion, modelling, learning German, yoga, cooking, sport and nutrition. Danelle’s motto is ‘Strive for excellence through professionalism, hard work and determination.’ |
Courtney Ramsdale Courtney is 19, 5 ft 9 in. She is in her second year studying a Bachelor of Communications degree. Courtney works part-time in fashion and her interests include languages, writing, music, dance and fitness. Her ambition is to become a television news reporter. |
Ashley Bradley Ashley is 20, 5 ft 9 in. She is a contract administrator. Her interests include surfing, volleyball, travel and she is a yoga enthusiast. Ashley aspires to being a role model to other young women and to take her passion for fitness and yoga to a level where others can benefit. |
Jasmine Robertson Jasmine is 21, 5 ft 9 in. She is a student at Massey University, completing postgraduate studies in business. Jasmine works part-time on an equestrian stud farm as an equine breeding assistant. Her interests include competitive horse-riding, yoga, and swimming. Jasmine’s ambition is to embark on a career as a breeding manager on a thoroughbred stud farm. |
Laura Allen Laura is 21, 5 ft 7 in. She has completed a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Sociology and Art History. She is currently studying towards her Bachelor of Arts with Honours at the University of Auckland. Her interests include history, travel, and cooking. Laura aspires to work within corrections, specifically, helping women and disadvantaged youth. |
Talia Bennett Talia is 22, 5 ft 8 in. She completed her Bachelor of Property and is now working as a commercial property valuer. Talia aspires to specialize in the development of retirement villages and care facilities throughout New Zealand, providing for the ageing population. Her interests include yoga, health and nutrition, tennis, baking, and fashion. |
Nancy Yan Nancy is 23, 5 ft 7 in. She has completed a Bachelor of Engineering with first-class honours. Nancy is currently studying for a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and aspires to utilizing her engineering skills and medical knowledge to contribute to the development of health care. Nancy’s other interests include charitable activities, reading, cooking, fashion and Chinese literature. |
Priyani Puketapu
Priyani is 20, 5 ft 8 in. She is studying towards a Bachelor of Communication, majoring in journalism. Priyani also enjoys part-time promotional work. Her interests include dancing, modelling and caring for animals at the Horowhenua Animal Shelter. Priyani’s ambition is to become a New Zealand television presenter.
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