The Perfect Miss 4ever
by Telemundo
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- ► septiembre (24)
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- Miss Costa Rica recibe laptop cortesía de ICE Kolbi
- VIDEO; Entrevista a Miss Rusia 2011, Natalia Ganti...
- Miss Ecuador 2011,Claudia Schiess
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- Miss Polonia 2010,Rozalia Mancewicz en "Kocham Cię...
- Miss Bélgica 2011,Justine De Jonckheere en Egipto
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- Miss Costa Rica 2011, Johanna Solano
- Miss Malasia Universo 2011
- Miss Irlanda 2010, Rozanna Purcell para David Briscoe
- Miss Puerto Rico 2010-2011, Viviana Ortiz
- Miss Universo 2010, Ximena Navarrete en Tailandia
- Miss Mexico 2010, Karin Ontiveros para Click Magazine
- Miss Rusia 2010, Irina Antonenko en "Bailando con ...
- Miss Francia 2011
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- Incluyen la historia de Irina Antonenko en el Top...
- Miss Rusia 2011, Natalia Gantimurova desfilado par...
- Entrevista Exclusiva con Morgan Woolard, 1st Runne...
- Miss Mexico 2010-2011, Karin Ontiveros
- Johanna Solano: ‘Lo que tengo que hacer es ser yo ...
- Johanna Solano es Miss Costa Rica 2011
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- Miss Bélgica 2011
- Miss Tailandia Universo 2011, Fah Chanyasorn
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- Miss República Checa 2011; Coronación
- Claudia Schiess "‘Mi sueño era el Miss Ecuador"
- RESULTS / RESULTADOS; Miss República Checa 2011
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- Miss Bélgica 2011 en Egipto
- Miss Ecuador 2011
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- Miss Polonia 2010 Rozalia Mancewicz para la marca ...
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- VIDEO; Ximena Navarrete en Panamá
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- Miss República Checa 2011
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- Miss Ecuador 2011; Santo Domingo las acoge
- VIDEO; Presentación de la corona de Miss Ecuador 2011
- VIDEO; Miss Serbia Universo 2010, Anja Saranovic e...
- 2da Finalista de Miss Rusia 2011 en rueda de prensa
- Miss Irlanda 2010, Rozanna Purcel para Hello! Skin...
27 mar 2011
Entrevista Exclusiva con Morgan Woolard, 1st Runner Up Miss USA 2010 [English Only]

TPM- Hi Morgan , what do you think of our new initiative of having a blog to cover all information about beauty pageants?
MW- The Perfect Miss Blog is a wonderful resource, especially with such a large following of pageantry from all over the world. Keep up the good work!
MW- The Perfect Miss Blog is a wonderful resource, especially with such a large following of pageantry from all over the world. Keep up the good work!
TPM- You're one of the "emotional" queens, a lot of people say you're the real Miss USA 2010, what do you think about that?
MW- My heart's desire is for people to see my authenticity and who I am on the inside. I feel I have been given a position of influence for a reason. Because of this, I do my best to be personal with my fans and try to inspire people daily with my words and posts.
I have a genuine passion for other people and for making a difference in the world. My heart would not be satisfied if I didn't use this this platform as 1st runner up Miss USA to influence those around me in a positive way.
As far as people saying I am the real Miss USA, that is incredibly humbling. I can't express how grateful I am for the amazing support I have received since May. Thanks to each of you for believing in me.
I feel we all have paths in life that we are destined to take, and being Miss USA 2010 wasn't mine. I'm ok with that because I know what God has in store for my life is even greater.
Again, thank you friends and fans for making this experience so special. I don't think anyone could feel as much like a "winner" losing, as I do (Smile).
TPM-What are your plans now that you didn't win the Miss USA title?
MW- My plans are to finish school and go from there. I am however, continuing to model part-time on the weekends as well as take any opportunity to speak.
TPM-Have a lot of doors opened to you after Miss USA?
MW- More doors than I would have ever imagined have opened due to my success at Miss USA. I have been pursued by several world-renowned agencies in regards to modeling, television shows, and films.
TPM-How do you feel about wining the title "The Most Beautiful Woman in the world" according to
MW- I was blown away to win the title. I am grateful to have been honored with such an accolade because my desire is to use it in my ministry. Hopefully, part of the reason for that award was given to me because of the beauty seen within. While conventional beauty fades with time, inner beauty can become more beautiful with time. This is something I share with the young women as much as possible.
TPM- What are your plans for 2011?
MW- To be honest, I accomplished so much in 2010, I can't even begin to fathom what 2011 will entail. However, I have a feeling it is going to be an amazing year.
My heart is to launch a ministry targeted toward young women, and hopefully publish my first book. Along with that, I plan to continue in my pursuit of a degree in broadcast journalism, while working part-time as a speaker, model, and columnist for the University paper.
TPM- How's your heart right now?
MW- My heart is full of the joy of the Lord. I am so happy with life.
When I look at my life, I'm brought to tears at how abundantly blessed I am. God is so good to me and I pray I can be the best steward possible of everything He has given. My heart is being renewed daily in Him, as I am trying to grow into a more beautiful person from the inside-out each day.
TPM- Are you planning to participate in any other local pageant to go to a "Grand Slam" one?
MW- You never know (Smile)
MW- To be honest, I accomplished so much in 2010, I can't even begin to fathom what 2011 will entail. However, I have a feeling it is going to be an amazing year.
My heart is to launch a ministry targeted toward young women, and hopefully publish my first book. Along with that, I plan to continue in my pursuit of a degree in broadcast journalism, while working part-time as a speaker, model, and columnist for the University paper.
TPM- How's your heart right now?
MW- My heart is full of the joy of the Lord. I am so happy with life.
When I look at my life, I'm brought to tears at how abundantly blessed I am. God is so good to me and I pray I can be the best steward possible of everything He has given. My heart is being renewed daily in Him, as I am trying to grow into a more beautiful person from the inside-out each day.
TPM- Are you planning to participate in any other local pageant to go to a "Grand Slam" one?
MW- You never know (Smile)

TPM- What do you think of Miss Universe being held in Brazil?
MW- I think Brazil is a fantastic location for the Miss Universe Pageant. The beauty of the women vying for the title will be a great addition to the Dazzling beaches and rainforests.
TPM- What do you think of the actual Miss Universe, Ximena Navarrete?
MW- Ximena is absolutely stunning and incredibly photogenic. She is doing an excellent job.
TPM- Last but not least, how will you spend the holidays this year?
MW- It depends on which Holiday (Smile). The next Holiday is Easter, so I will spend that holiday celebrating the risen son of God, and decorating eggs, of course. Unless you count my birthday as a Holiday which is next week (Smile). In that case, I will be spending it with my family in Oklahoma.
TPM- Do you like the blog?
MW- I love your blog. The colors and banners are great.
MW- I think Brazil is a fantastic location for the Miss Universe Pageant. The beauty of the women vying for the title will be a great addition to the Dazzling beaches and rainforests.
TPM- What do you think of the actual Miss Universe, Ximena Navarrete?
MW- Ximena is absolutely stunning and incredibly photogenic. She is doing an excellent job.
TPM- Last but not least, how will you spend the holidays this year?
MW- It depends on which Holiday (Smile). The next Holiday is Easter, so I will spend that holiday celebrating the risen son of God, and decorating eggs, of course. Unless you count my birthday as a Holiday which is next week (Smile). In that case, I will be spending it with my family in Oklahoma.
TPM- Do you like the blog?
MW- I love your blog. The colors and banners are great.
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