
The Perfect Miss 4ever

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2 abr 2011

Ximena Navarette in Beijing


Below is the complete interview. Enjoy!!!

By Vera Penêda

Although the measure of beauty is timelessly controversial and many still fall for blondes, until we have sturdy evidence of another ex¬otic form of woman living out there in the cosmos, this year’s most beautiful woman in the whole universe, appar¬ently, is Ximena Navarrete. Originally from Guadalajara and a model since she was 16, Navarrete took the title and the crown to Mexico for only the second time last August. A major in Nutrition, Navarrete is on a year off, globetrotting in the name of splendor and worthy causes. Celebrating her 23rd birthday in China last week at the Mexican embassy, she was still energetic and smiley despite all the media hassle after a press conference to promote Miss Universe China 2011.

Why are you in Beijing? How long will you stay?
I just came for three days to par¬ticipate in an official presentation for Yue-Sai Kan [popular TV presenter and businesswoman] as the new director of Miss Universe in China. My presence is also part of the general promotion to step up the pageant in China because the event has never been held here [or won by a Chinese woman].

How does your major influence your career? Will you work as a nutritionist?
Nutrition is something I’m pas¬sionate about. Personally, I like eating healthy; something that my mother passed on to me. I don’t deprive myself, let alone in Mexico, where the food is so delicious. I’m trying to keep up by read¬ing about what’s new in the field; in future I’d like to work with people with eating disorders.

How does it feel to be recognized as one of the most beautiful women in the world?
I see it as a job; it’s a role that I will carry out this year. But for me it’s also like an Olympic beauty quest, with the great responsibil¬ity and satisfaction to be Mexico’s representative. I’m glad to stress the impression of inner beauty and inspire the image of a modern woman, hard working, multifac¬eted and who’s gradually able to assume leading positions in different fields in society.

What is the best and worst of being a beauty queen?
It’s a joy to take this award to my country and make Mexican people proud of being represented by Miss Universe. It’s also rewarding to be able to inspire and help people around the world. The opportunity to travel and learn a bit about many cultures is really wonderful. The worst thing is just when you don’t get enough sleep; you get off a plane directly to work. Jetlag and climate change some¬times leave you a bit worn out.

Is there some physical feature you would like to change in yourself?
Not really…it’s not that I’m perfect, I just don’t think I’d be happier if I change my nose or whatever. I feel good in my skin.

You just signed a contract to be the new face of L’Oreal Paris. What’s that like, and how much does it pay?
It’s a great op¬portunity. The brand is changing its im¬age, which I’m glad to be as¬sociated with. I can’t say how much it pays.

I understand you went to India to support Celebrate the Girl Child. What charity work did you do?
The official cause of Miss Universe is HIV/ AIDS awareness, working closely with associa¬tions that deal with the issue. But we end up attending to other causes. I’m personally sensitive to child issues. In India I supported a cam-paign to improve the birth and sur¬vival of young girls, often abandoned or killed at birth because they represent a high expense for the family due to the dowry obliga¬tions in arranged marriages.

Former Miss Venezuela and TV presenter Eva Ekvall recently published the book Out of Focus that chronicles her battle with breast cancer. She intends to raise awareness and break taboos in a country where women might run to the hospital for plastic surgery but neglect regular health checks. What’s your opinion on this?
People who are somehow well-known, recognized and have a voice that can get others to listen can certainly raise awareness to valuable causes. Her message is brave and can have the positive effect of helping other women prevent the disease.

What do you want your legacy to be?
I’m prepared to give my best and would like people to see me as hard working and someone who’s always prepared to offer a smile. Sometimes, a smile is the only thing that might make a difference. I’m thinking about a specific situation in Indonesia, where I visited a hospital for children with cancer who are from low-income families. I can only offer comfort, a smile, a few words and a hand touch. I just hope people remember me as a happy person who was able to pass on some of that happi¬ness.

What are your future projects?
This year I’ll be living in New York and I’m focused on Miss Uni¬verse tasks. But I see my future in Mexico, modeling and probably doing something related with TV. I don’t have acting experience so I can’t really talk about a career in the movies but I’m open to new projects.

What celebrity would you love to meet and why?
I’d really like to meet Shakira in person; I truly admire her. She’s very famous, but very down to earth and someone who gets involved in a num¬ber of causes to help others.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
If I get a day off anytime soon, I want to sleep.
Miss Universe China will be held next July in Shanghai and the winner will represent the country at the 2011 Miss Universe Pageant in Sao Paolo, Brazil, in September.

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